Approximately 700,000 Manitobans Will Receive Carbon Tax Relief Funds

Carbon Tax Relief Fund


As part of ongoing efforts to help Manitobans, the 2023 Carbon Tax Relief Fund will support approximately 700,000 Manitobans to address the negative impacts of rising winter costs.



  • Manitoba residents who were 18 or older on December 31, 2021


  • Family net income of under $175,000 as per their 2021 Manitoba income tax return


Available assistance

  • $225 for single individuals
  • $375 for couples, with the lower-income earner receiving the payment


How to apply

  • There is no need to apply. The Manitoba government will not contact you about this program. Cheques will be mailed by Manitoba Finance to the recipient's address as reflected on their 2021 tax return.


NOTE: If you are a Manitoba resident that filed a 2021 income tax return (last year’s filing) and your address has changed since you filed your return, please complete the online form before 9 a.m. on Friday, February 10, 2023.


Frequently Asked Questions

+Who will receive payments?
+How much will Manitobans receive?
+How is net income determined?
+What if a person has not yet filed their 2021 income tax return?
+What about persons who died in 2021 or 2022?
+When will payments be sent out?
+How will the payment be sent out?
+To what address will the payment be sent?
+How can I change my address?
+What if a person meets the eligibility criteria but did not receive a cheque?
+How many payments will be sent out?
+Are the payments taxable?
+If a person doesn’t receive a cheque, can the payment be claimed on their 2022 income tax return?
+I received a text about applying for a tax credit. Was this from the Manitoba government?


Contact us

  • Call: 204-945-3744 or 1-866-626-4862 (Toll-Free)
Province of Manitoba News Release